Aricha - Yirgacheffe

Aricha - Yirgacheffe


The Aricha washing station is located near Aricha Village in the Yirgacheffe District of Southern Ethiopia. This station is owned and operated by Negusse Weldyes and his team at Snap Coffee. Their large and dedicated team are one of the best in Ethiopia for growing and exporting specialty coffee. They are passionate about producing top quality coffee but also dedicated to providing a sustainable living to the people employed by them and the farmers that they work with throughout Ethiopia.

This area of Ethiopia is one of the most densely populated areas of continental Africa and is one of the biggest areas for coffee growing in the country. Cherries from the surrounding area are brought to the station daily throughout the harvest - a mix of small garden plots, where trees are planted by families amongst other crops, to small holder farms focused on coffee production as well as wild harvested coffee from trees growing in the surrounding forests.

The manager of Aricha washing station, Gebeyehu Mekonnen, oversees the purchase of coffees from the community and processes these coffees at the station site into either washed or natural lots. The coffees (either in cherry or parchment form) are dried on raised beds before being rested in a silo to equalize moisture content across the lot. Gebeyehu has started to install shade netting over the drying beds to slow down the drying process leading to better overall cup quality.


This lot from Aricha is sourced from approximately 2000 farmers who live near the station and who grow Ethiopia Landrance varieties. The high altitude of the area, ranging from 1850 - 2000 masl (the station sits at 1976 masl), results in extremely dense beans and high intensity in the cup. After delivery, the cherries are placed in tanks and soaked in water to separate any ‘floaters’ or less dense coffee (these can have negative flavours). After soaking, the cherries are spread onto the drying beds and left to dry for between 7-14 days. The cherries are continually being rotated to ensure even drying until the desired moisture content of 11.5% - 12.5% moisture is achieved.




The espresso roast profile focuses on the intense sweetness of this heirloom coffee. Strawberry and dark chocolate make up the dominant flavour notes, with a lingering cacao nib and vanilla finish. While the coffee can be dialed in from a light to heavy shot, we prefer the balance at a medium weight with a creamy mouthfeel.